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Jack W. Hartt


Riverside State Park, where we live

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jack at Riverside



Husband, Father, Park Ranger

Jack is the Park Manager at Riverside State Park near Spokane, Washington. He is married to Susan, and together they have six wonderful children.



He is also a Cooper-certified personal fitness specialist. He is actively involved in fitness training and encouragement as well, and has developed and implemented a physical fitness evaluation program for Washington State Park rangers. He believes in fitness as fun for life.

In the beginning...

Born in Seattle, Washington, he attended Ballard High School and the University of Washington, majoring in Outdoor Recreation, and specializing in Park Management and Park Interpretation. He worked for the United States Forest Service in the Cascades, the National Park Service at Rocky Mountain National Park and Mount Rainier National Park, and at Recreational Equipment, Incorporated, while attending college.

He married Susan Carol Jones on September 14, 1975, who remains by his side in spite of his obsessions such as web-page authoring. Susan Hartt is an extraordinary quilter, avid reader, and all-around delightful person.

Upon graduation, he worked at Sun Lakes State Park as in Interpretive Specialist, and became a permanent park ranger at Sun Lakes in 1978. He has also worked at Camano Island State Park, Fort Canby State Park at the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center, Ocean City State Park as the principal assistant and temporary manager, Olmstead Place State Park during the 1980's, and at Fort Worden State Park during the 1990's. They moved to Riverside State Park in 1999.

He and Susan homeschool their six children, Jordan, Taffy, Bryan, Lindsay, Charlie, and Ben. Jordan is attending Western Washington University, majoring in English and education. Taffy is at Eastern Washington University. Dad is proud.

Jack enjoys too many hobbies, including being a dad, photography, music, singing, basketball, smiling, computers and web page design, baseball and fantasy baseball, golf, biking, hiking, camping, pickleball, whiffleball, having a ball, being with friends, and watching the sun rise.


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