Famous Hartts
There are only a few Hartts in the world, so the number of famous Hartts is not
extensive. But several Hartts have left us an interesting legacy throughout the years of
time. Here are some of them.
Edmund Hartt
Perhaps the most famous Hartt of all is Edmund Hartt of Boston. The Hartt Shipyards
constructed the U.S.S Constitution, the famous fighting ship known as "Old
Ironsides". Built in 1797, this 44-gun frigate was 175 feet long, 43 feet wide, with
a displacement of 2000 tons.
On July 17, 1812, it escaped a squadron of seven British ships. On August 18, it
captuerd the British frigate Guerriere. On December 29, it captured the British
frigate Java and five smaller vessels. It continued to enjoy success throughout the
War of 1812, but after the war was condemned by the naval commissioners. A poem by Oliver
Wendell Holmes did what its former captains also did: saved the ship from enemy forces,
and soon it captured the hearts of its countrymen.
It now rests in Boston Harbor.
More information about Edmund.
Hartt Shoes 
When you consistently create a world-class product at a reasonable price, the word will
eventually spread.
Such is the case of Hartt Shoes. The Fredericton company has been providing distinctive
calf-high Strathcona dress boots to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for the past 18
years. These are the boots you see worn by Mounties in the famed Musical Ride, and at
other ceremonial events.
Odber Miles Hartt from Fredericton built the factory. He was apprencticed as a shoe
maker at teh age of 13, in a factory in North Adams, near Boston. He spent most of his
life working in varius shoe factories in New York, Michagan, Missouri, Indiana, and
Massachusetts. (source: Diana Cowland)
Drew Hartt, Golfer
Born in Calgary, Alberta, Drew attended San Jose St. in California. He won the 1983
Alberta Amateur Championship, and won the 1985 Alberta Open (A).
He turned pro in 1989.
In 1995 Drew won the Desert Tour event. In 1993 he had three 2nd place finishes on the
North Florida Tour. In 1992 he won the Central Florida tour event; in 1990 he won two CPGA
winter tour events and was the top money winner on the CPGA winter tour.
Frederick S. Hartt, Geologist
Frederick C. Hartt joined the Louis Agassiz journey to Brazil in 1865 as a geologist
for the Thayer expedition.
David Hartt
In 1958 David Hartt established the Christian Radio Network, Radio Light (Radio
Lumiere), a work which continues today, in Haiti. The French island of Guadeloupe also was
evangelized by David Hartt, and several strong and vibrant churches have grown in both
locations because of his work.
Hartt Hollow
More than seventy years ago, a small child sat on his front porch listening to
the fiddle music coming out of his neighbor's hen house. In the cool darkness
of the Vermont evening, the sweet sound of strings, merriment and dancing
were like a beacon to the boy. His name was Harold Luce, and he grew up to
become one of the premier traditional fiddlers of his generation. Along with the
other members of Hartt Hollow -- fellow fiddler Wayne Doyle, guitarist
Mervin Comes and bassist John Doyle -- Harold's still weaving the magic of
that long ago summer night when music brought communities together. At
once fresh and familiar, the songs of Hartt Hollow transport you to a rapidly
vanishing time and place, and like old friends, are guaranteed to make you
smile awhile.
Charles Fredrick Hartt
Born in Frederiction N.B in 1840 and died 1877 in Rio, his
remains were returned to his widow some years later for burial in Buffalo NY. He also held
the prestigious chair of geology at Cornell University when he was 28 years old. Published
a book , LECTURES OF ZOOLOGY, and was general secretary of the American
Association for Advancement of Science. When Hartt accepted the job at Cornell university
he marrried and took up US citizenship. Dr W Brice of the university of Pittsburgh has the
biography of C.H. Hartt in progress.
Frederick Hartt, Author
For over twenty years, Frederick Hartt's History of Italian Renaissance Art has been
the best book ever written on this important period in Western art. Comprehensive,
and entertaining, it is also a model of clarity and scholarly precision. Now, the fourth
edition of this
unrivaled classic is provided for another generation of readers. This newly designed
edition includes
an extended presentation of the Quattrocento and Cinquecento in Florence, Rome, and
Venice, as
well as additional pictured works by north Italian artists and by Florentine artists of
the Maniera.
The revising author, David Wilkins, has remained sympathetic and sensitive to Hartt's
vision and
approach while drawing upon the latest research to bring the text up to date. There are
many new
colorplates, including fourteen details of Michelangelo's freshly cleaned, resplendent
Sistine Ceiling
frescoes. A portfolio of full-page color room views has been added as well, showing major
of art in situ. Many paintings and sculptures have been rephotographed specially for this
since they were cleaned and restored, and many more are now illustrated in larger size.
context is so important to the understanding of Renaissance art, information has been
added to the
captions indicating when a work is still in its original location. And, when known, the
name of the
patron who commissioned a work has been added. Frederick Hartt writes with authority and
eloquence on the sculpture, architecture, and painting of more than four centuries, and
Wilkins has respected and maintained his high standards. The Renaissance was an
fertile era, when, in a burst of staggering creativity, humanist painters rediscovered and
gave new
meaning to portraiture and landscape painting; sculptors fashioned life-sized freestanding
with remarkable virtuosity and revived the classical ideal of the nude; and architects
planned and
built edifices of rare grace and invention. Beautiful illustrations, fine writing, and
scholarship bring into focus all the elements of this multifaceted period. Fully indexed,
and including
an extensive glossary and an updated bibliography, the fourth edition of History of
Renaissance Art offers a fresh and inviting design, displaying the extraordinary visual
and textual
material to full advantage.
Professor Kenneth L. Hartt
Ph.D. Nebraska (1963)
theory and analysis of chaotic systems
few-nucleon problems
inverse scattering
theory of mathematical modeling
The Hartt School 
Hartt School has an international reputation for preparing many of the
world's finest musical performers, teachers, and creative artists. Its dedication
to the highest performance standards has been recognized by an accreditation
from the National Association of Schools of Music. As a Hartt student, you
will enjoy personal interaction with a highly trained and experienced faculty,
many of whom are distinguished as performers around the world.
Allan Hartt, Fisheries Research Biologist
University of Washington
Jordan Hartt
Jack Hartt, Park Ranger
Washington State Parks
okay, so it's a stretch that I'm famous. I am to my wife and children, and
God knows my name very well: he keeps yelling it often enough: "Jack Hartt, you bozo,
what are you doing now?!!" Isn't it good that he has already forgiven everyone who
gave their life to him? Just because his son gave his life for us. Who is in control of
your life?